The Trumpet of the Swan
Section 1 p.1-28
Your job is to sketch the following character: Sam Beaver.
Click here for an example.
Your job is to ask 6 questions, the answers to your questions, and the p. and par. Where the answers are found (if possible). Ask good thinking questions! Ask the following:
1 Fact/Opinion
1 Setting
1 Effect/Cause
1 Prediction
1 “Thinking” Question on your own
Click here for an example.
Pick 4 passages that exhibit the following:
1 Personification
1 Informative
1 Important
1 On your own
Click here for an example.
Your job is to complete your role sheet for the following words:
Majestically p. 13 par. 2
Peered p. 17 par. 2
Intruder p. 19 line 3
Spellbound p. 21 par. 5
Click here for an example.
Your job is to investigate, by
using other sources (newspaper, web, encyclopedia, content texts, etc.) that
have connections to this section. You will share your information with your
group. You may use the following websites provided to look up information on
Trumpet Swans. You may also use books, encyclopedias, other texts, or articles
provided by your teacher to help with your investigation.
On page 2, the author begins to describe Trumpet Swans. I want you to find some more information on them that you can write down and share with your group.
1. Describe their migration patterns and where they learn them?
2. Where are they found?
3. What do they eat?
4. What is a female called?
5. List one interesting fact you can find about trumpet swans.
6. Do they stay with their mate for life?
Here are some websites for you to use to do your investigation:
Click here for an example.