AET Zone
AET Zone is a 3-dimensional synthetic world designed to support the students, faculty, alumni, and friends of the ASU Instructional Technology program. AET Zone offers users an immersive environment, where each perceives space, movement, and the presence of others. Users select "avatars" - digital representations of themselves - and interact with content embedded within the world, as well as with other users via communication tools such as discussion forums and text- and audio-based chats.
Students view AET Zone as a rich environment in which to explore and to learn. They appreciate the ability to follow their own paths for learning that the environment affords. AET Zone has helped us interact with our students in more fluid and natural ways. AET Zone has become a focal point for a developing learning community that spans across cohorts, classes, and even countries.
As of April 25, 2007, AET Zone is a patent-pending application. A patent entitled "Virtual Education System and Method of Instruction" (application serial # US 11/739,866) was registered with the USPTO.
Click here for publications and presentations related to AET Zone: