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FDN 5220: Computers in Educational Settings

SESSION 1: Introduction / Getting Started

Current computing issues critical to K-12 schools and your area of expertise.

Individually, list the five (5) major issues that confront you and your colleagues concerning educational computing in your school this year.  In groups of three (3), discuss these issues and combine them into a list of five (5) for each group.  Appoint a spokesperson and share your group's main "ideas" with the class.

Emerging trends in the use of computes in educational settings.

What are some models for integrating computer technologies into the curriculum?  Explore some of the following web-based resources.  Look for patterns and models in the examples given.  Make a list of ideas that come to mind as you explore each of these:

  1. 10 Big Ideas.  Discuss the models of technology use and pedagogy exhibited in each.
  2. Kathy Schrock's Guide for Educators.  Discuss several of the most interesting or useful ideas you find here.
  3. Classroom Connect (enter as a visitor and look around).  What things do you find interesting here?
  4. American Memory Historical Site.  Recalling the models listed above, in what ways can this site enrich your learning environment?
  5. North Carolina Dept. of Public Instruction.  Pay particular attention to the computer competencies listed by grade level K-12.  What are the implications for you and your students in your institution?
  6. Teacher Resources.  Look at these resources and consider how you could use this site to assist you and your colleagues in instruction.


Ok, that is a (albeit, very) small glimpse into the world of computers in educational settings.  Now, contemplate some of the following questions:

  • What would you like to gain, personally, from your experience in this course?
  • In what ways do you see what you want to learn here benefiting your students?
  • What other "Important Questions" might we consider?

Before you leave today:

  • Each class member should understand how to create an e-mail distribution list containing the email addresses of each classmate.  You may find each class member's email address by clicking on the Classmate Info button, on the menu to the left of each page of this website.
  • Register as a participant on our discussion board.  I have also placed a tutorial for using the discussion board in the Tutorials section of this website.
  • Create a "chat group" with 3 or 4 of your colleagues to discuss the implications of the ideas and concepts in each of the assigned readings (below, Assignment # 2) for the students and young people with whom you work.  Using tools such as a word processor, create an executive summary of your thoughts (i.e., the 3 to 5 major points) to be shared with the rest of the class.  Do so by either:

Subscribing to Yahoo.  Once you have a Yahoo username and password, go to Yahoo Chat.  

-- or --

Create a discussion forum on the MIT chat

-- or --

Go to the AOL website and subscribe to AOL Instant Messenger (it's free, and doesn't require you to belong to AOL).  Then, Instant Message (aka "IM") each other.

Be prepared to discuss your thoughts - and your experiences - with the whole class during the next class meeting.


Section 1

  1. Introduce yourself on the course discussion board (Under "Welcome!").
  2. Go to the Casenex website, log on, and read the first case "Here to Serve."  After reading the case, visit the course discussion board and post (a) the issues you believe are most important, as represented in this case, and (b) the perspectives of the relevant stakeholders, related to the issues you identify.  You may post as individuals or as a team.  Post under "Here To Serve."
  3. Do an inventory of available technologies at your school and at home.  Make a list of what software is available (including, versions (e.g., Office 97, Photoshop 4.0, etc.)), what kinds of computers (and where they are (e.g., in the lab, in my classroom, etc.)), and other peripherals (scanners, cameras, CD-ROM writers, etc.) that you have access to.
  4. Read "Information Technology as a Change Agent." and participate in the online discussion (Under "Readings").
  5. Read Chapters 1 & 2 in our assigned text.  Discuss under "The concept of mindtools" on our course discussion group.




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