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FDN 5541: Adv. Web Design for Education
Session 3: Site Design elements
- Integrated lesson - Demonstrate and discuss, in groups, your plans for an integrated lesson for which you developed an index
page last week. Talk about your page in terms navigation,
overview, design features, and instructional value.
- Site design and navigation - Over 15%
of the population have a learning disability (LD). In addition, a sizable
percentage of the population is physically challenged or has related
problems. Making your page accessible means a clear, well-formatted site
can make it easier on everyone. Please read Designing
Web Sites to be Disability Friendly for more information. Also,
visit matter how
useful a site is, an impractical navigation scheme will confuse visitors. A simple, understandable
navigation scheme is critical to site
design. Please Read "NAV
101" by Charlie Morris for more information. A great tutorial is available for this
topic at:
- Inserting basic web content - Here is a
text formatting tutorial that will help you to place and format text in your web:
Here is an image
formatting tutorial that will help you to place and format images in
your web.
- Inserting Tables -
Here's a quick explanation (and some screen shots) to help you add tables
to your web page using FrontPage 2000.
- Using Frames
and/or Shared Borders - Frames
and/or shared borders allow you to display both constant and variable
content on each page (i.e., a navigation bar that stays consistent across
multiple pages within a site). Here's a quick explanation of how to
set each up in FrontPage.
Teacher Tutorial for FrontPage 2000
Assignment: Using what
you have learned here, add to the site you started creating last week.
Add images, a table, and different formats of text. Make sure your site
is free of any spelling errors.
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