Emily Upham’s Revenge

Section 1: p. 1-20

Character Sketcher

Your job is to sketch Emily Upham or Seth Marple.

Discussion Director

Your job is to ask 5 questions, the answers to your questions, and page and paragraph, where the answers are found (if possible). Ask good thinking questions! Ask questions from the following:

2 prediction

1 setting

1 problem/solution

1 on your own "thinking" question

Passage Picker

Pick 4 passages that exhibit the following:

2 descriptive

1 foreshadowing

1 on your own "thinking" question

Word Wizard

Your job is to complete your role sheet for the following (choose 4 words):

Dignified p. 1 par.2

Charity p. 2 par. 5

Parasol p. 4 par. 3

Winsome p. 8 par. 2

Hastily p. 8 par. 3


Prepare a brief description of today’s reading. Make sure to include all main ideas and points.


Your job is to connect the book to the outside world. Write a paragraph, answering one of these statements:

(Include who or what your connection is about, where and when it happened, what happened and how it connects or deals with a part of the story.)


Title Page

Special Note

Launch Activity


Midnight Magic Lesson

Ragweed Lesson

Emily Upham’s Revenge Lesson

Relationship to The North Carolina Standard Course of Study

Reference materials
